Zelensky made an unscheduled address to Ukrainians

He promised to release the traditional evening report later.

Zelensky addressed Ukrainians with an extraordinary address. He promised to release the traditional evening report later.

“The address will be a little later, because the working day is not over yet. I wanted to support you for a few seconds: it is not an easy day, the barbarians are hitting our energy, but I am sure that we will go through this darkness courageously and with dignity. The main thing is to keep the light in your heart,” the president emphasized.

According to Zelenskyi, everyone has their own light: for someone it is a father at the front, for someone – a brother in memory forever, for someone – a loved one or a loved one is nearby, for someone it is a first date. He also showed what is a light for him personally – a family photo on the table in his office.

“But I am sure that Ukraine is the main light for all of us. We will win for her sake!”, he emphasized.

Tonight < strong>Russians have again attacked the energy infrastructure of Ukraine, as a result of which equipment in the central regions has been damaged. Due to this, stricter restrictions on electricity consumption will be introduced

Today, almost a million residents of Kyiv are left without electricity. In the evening, 159,000 consumers were disconnected from electricity. The situation in the energy sector remains critical.

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Inhabitants of the capital have already been warned that in Kyiv and the Kyiv region, outages will be more frequent and more massive.

Based on materials: ZN.ua

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