The Russian government is like a web where Putin and Ponomarev are sitting inside

In order for the Russian president to be “eaten” by his supporters, stronger reasons are needed than financial or personal inconveniences.

The model of Russian power today is like a web where inside it sits the president of Russia. This was in an interview with ZN.UA told the deputy of the State Duma of Russia (2007-2016) Ilya Ponomarev. The very existence of this web depends on the spider-Vladimir Putin.

“There is still a situation where the removal of the spider promises more risks for participants in the whole system than the possible benefits, ie the risks still outweigh. All dissatisfied , but this does not mean that they will start the process of overthrowing it right now, “Ponomarev said.

Putin needs to be “eaten” by his own supporters more than financial losses or personal difficulties. After all, many people in the “web” are connected with the President of the Russian Federation by corruption and blood. For example, Rosneft chairman Igor Sechin may disappear without Vladimir Putin.

Read also: Putin is convinced that the goal of the so-called “special operation”, as he calls the war in Ukraine, will allegedly be achieved


Read in Vladimir Kravchenko's article “Operation Snuffbox: Three Conditions for Removing Putin” about how long the Russian president can still rule and why Russia is waiting for the ersatz-North Korean scenario. >.

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