France has put three nuclear submarines on duty for the first time in 30 years

In connection with the nuclear threat from Russia, France sent three nuclear submarines on combat duty.

Франция вывела на дежурство сразу три ядерных субмарины впервые за 30 лет

Following the NATO summit, France has stepped up patrols of the Atlantic with three nuclear submarines, writes The times. Such a step, connected with the threats of Russia, in case of danger from the Alliance, to use nuclear weapons.

For the first time in 30 years, two of the four Triomphant-class ballistic missile submarines have left their permanent base on Long Island. The submarines were sent in support of another ship constantly patrolling the Atlantic Ocean.

The last time France took such steps was during the Cold War.

It will be recalled that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said at a briefing after the Alliance summit that NATO troops would not enter Ukraine. However, the North Atlantic Alliance will provide Ukraine with weapons, equipment to defend against chemical, biological and radiation threats, and increase financial support.

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