Constitutionalist from the USA: Zelenskyi can lead Ukraine to a parliamentary republic

According to the expert, Zelensky's popularity will begin to decline after the war: regardless of whether he makes mistakes or not.

Volodymyr Zelenskyi can become the last conditionally “plenipotentiary” president and lead Ukraine to a parliamentary republic, according to head of the Center for Constitutional Democracy at Indiana University David Williams, which he told in an interview with Inna Vedernikova The main thing is to remember what you are fighting for strong>.

“Now is a prime time not only for Zelenskyi's presidency, but also for the presidency as an institution. Never again will a president be as popular as he is now. And this is one of the trends that promises that changes are possible. Any president will be compared with the current one. However, at the height of his fame, Zelensky can defeat not only Putin, but also his own vanity, preferring strategic state thinking. He can become the last full-power president, which will lead Ukraine to a parliamentary republic, which is much more adapted to the needs of peacetime,” explains Williams.

Read also: Further de-occupation of Ukraine and provision of the Armed Forces: Zelensky held a meeting of the Stavka

Williams emphasizes that systemic changes are a task for a long time, and is only the beginning of a new story.

“Sometimes you have to destroy everything in order to have a chance for a new beginning. It is very symbolic that the most pro-Soviet regions of Ukraine were, in fact, destroyed in this war. But this is not only a tragedy – it is also a new opportunity. Although it is terrible. Unfortunately, when history is made, our lives are often laid on its altar,” Williams summarized.

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But there is another the scenario of changes in the government system. According to Williams, single-handedly running a country during a war can tempt a victorious president to continue to rule in a “hands-on” mode. >

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