What should be done for children first of all after the war is the opinion of a human rights activist

Children are the future for which we fight for our integrity and independence.

First of all, Ukraine should build a network of specialists who will work according to clear, understandable standards, with an understanding of the results first of all for each child, said the head of the Ukrainian Network for the Rights of the Child Daria Kasyanova, talking about the main tasks of the state before protecting children's rights after the war.

“It now seems obvious that many well-paid professionals have to work at different levels of child protection. In children's services, social service centers, dream family courts. And there should be coordination between them – the same juvenile police and so on. The system we have been discussing for many years must be filled with professionals. According to the real needs of the children who will return. I don't know how realistic it is. But I think it is very important that the sphere of protection of children's rights finally appears, becomes in demand, a priority. In fact, for the sake of children, we are fighting for our independence in the war. We want to rebuild the country so that our children can live here, grow up and give birth to their children. Everything that concerns the protection of children's rights must be done here and now. Because childhood is one, and it is short, “she said in a comment to Alla Kotlyar for ZN.UA.

Also, according to her, Ukraine should conduct an audit of all problems, because which the system of protection of children's rights within Ukraine did not work.

“It is necessary to gain courage and a healthy attitude to criticism in order to analyze and systematize all the mistakes made by the state, public organizations, local authorities and so on. For example, if you knew that war would break out, why didn't you prepare the most vulnerable target categories for relocation? That is, you need to collect all these problems and analyze. And this may become part of our new legislation, “the human rights activist emphasizes.

The state should also take into account all the experience of children and parents, as well as professionals they gained during their stay in different European countries, where the system of protection of children's rights works differently.

“Commissions from Ukraine abroad to see the conditions of displaced Ukrainian children and families with children, will also have the opportunity to assess what this experience (in a good, applied sense) could be the basis for Ukraine, and would be part of its concept of the system protection of children's rights, and then integrated into the level of communities, territories where children and families with children live. This, of course, will require specialists who can analyze all this, “Kasyanov said.

Read also:” No need to rebuild pre-war Ukraine after the victory “- Lazebna about the fate of orphans in the future >

According to state officials and public sector experts, read the three top steps to restore Ukraine's child protection system in Alla Kotlyar's article for ZN.UA “ Children: three top steps in the post-war time ».

Based on materials: ZN.ua

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