Ukrainian students in the United States honor the memory of Ukrainians who died at the hands of the Russian occupiers

Students from 12 American universities took part in the commemoration events

  • © Stanford University
  • © Stanford University
  • © University of Connecticut
  • © Tufts University
  • © Purdue University
  • © Northeastern University
  • © Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • < li class = 'item'> © Loyola University Chicago

Last week, Ukrainian students at twelve American universities initiated mourning rallies. Students, professors, university staff and concerned locals gathered to honor Ukrainians killed by racist invaders. Indifferent people gave short speeches at the meetings, played and sang Ukrainian songs, the sadness and pain of which were clear to everyone without translation. Poems born during the war were read, which spoke about the tragedies of Bucha, Irpen, Mariupol and other cities most severely wounded by the racists. In Stanford, the meeting was attended by more than 150 people and each of them had the opportunity to lay sunflowers at the symbolic memorial to the victims.

Stanford University

Read also: UN, PACE and others: the Verkhovna Rada will ask international organizations to recognize the events in Ukraine as genocide

Funeral services were held at Stanford, Purdue, Tufts, Northeast, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as at the Universities of Florida, Connecticut, Iowa, Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Notre Dame, Dartmouth, Loyola, Chicago, and Loyola, Chicago.


Almost every Ukrainian student community, with the support of teachers, other students and the Ukrainian diaspora, has been actively raising considerable funds to support Ukraine. The Stanford team alone sent 32 tons of medicine and medical supplies by plane.

>The world must work to protect them. What kind of mines, including banned, does Russia use in the war with Ukraine – expert Fixed use from “psychological” to banned by the Ottawa Convention. Israel will allow Ukrainians staying in the country due to the Russian invasion Ukrainian citizens will also be able to receive basic social insurance. It is very difficult to initiate criminal proceedings on the fact of rape or to collect statistics of such crimes during the war: we name the reasons Figures closer to reality will begin to appear when what was in the places of occupation or where active hostilities took place. One of the leaders of the “DPR” proposes to use chemical weapons against the defenders of Mariupol Block “Azovstal” and “appeal to the chemical troops”.

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