There was a proposal to call Putin not “president” but “ruler”

And it came from the Russian Liberal Democratic Party, whose founder and leader was the late Volodymyr Zhirynovsky.

The Russian Liberal Democratic Party, the founder and constant the leader of which was the late Vladimir Zhirynovsky, proposed to rename the position of the head of the Russian state from president to “ruler”, since “president” is something foreign and “alien to Russians”.

About this reports the analytical portal “Word and Deed” with reference to the press service of the LDPR.

Zhirynovsky's followers motivate their idea by the fact that the term “president” was perceived critically in the Soviet years, since all presidents were in the Western world. “And suddenly, in 1991, this name was established in our country as well… All parties and public organizations connected to this process put forward their proposals in this regard. We had a large set of ideas, some of them were accepted. But this proposal to rename the position of the head of state was, unfortunately, not accepted at that time. But we, as before, believe that it would be the right thing to do,” the LDPR declared.

It is worth noting that the late Volodymyr Volfovych was gradually transformed from a scandalous politician into Putin's court jester. And court jesters were allowed to voice what his majesty could not or did not want to say personally and officially. Perhaps, in this case, someone else is speaking through the mouth of the LDPR…

Volodymyr Zhirynovskyi died on April 6 from the effects of covid. He was 75 years old. For about 30 of them, he hung out in the upper echelons of Russian politics. Surprisingly, he gained special popularity when in August 1991 he openly supported GKChP. Then all of Moscow rose up against the reactionaries, and the GKChP lasted only a few days, despite tanks and riot police. But Zhirynovsky stayed. Then there was the abdication of Gorbachev, the triumph of Yeltsin, the Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the collapse of the USSR, and at the end of the 90s, the loud and charismatic Yeltsin was replaced by the modest and initially correct Putin… Volodymyr Volfovich, as before, was swimming in the “upper echelons”. Moreover, he found a new role for himself – a court jester. He was the first to voice the idea of ​​a violent division of Ukraine. Not your own, of course.

Based on materials:

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