The EU, the US and Britain have set up a group to investigate Russia's war crimes

They will help the GPU to investigate.

The European Union, the United States and the United Kingdom have announced the creation groups to coordinate efforts to bring to justice the crimes committed by the occupiers during Russia's war against Ukraine.

This was reported by “European Truth” with reference to the statement of the European External Action Service.

“Atrocity Crimes Advisory Group (ACA), a mechanism to ensure effective coordination of appropriate support for local accountability efforts. crimes in the context of Russia's ongoing war of aggression against Ukraine, “the statement said.

It is also noted that the main mission of the ACA is to support the war crimes units of the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine in the investigation and prosecution of crimes related to the conflict.

The ACA brings together a multinational group of war crimes experts from the EU, the US, the UK and others. Due to the current security situation in Ukraine, the experts are mainly based in the south-east of Poland, but are quickly involved in Ukraine, conducting short-term missions and interacting on the spot with GPU staff and other international partners involved.

that experts and support staff will soon be fully relocated to Ukraine.

ACA activities will include the coordination of two key areas:

– GPU Advisory Group: Experienced Senior War Crimes Prosecutors, Investigators, Military Analysts , as well as forensic experts and other experts based in the region on an ongoing basis, provide expertise, mentoring, advice and operational support.

– Mobile Justice Teams: Multiple Mobile Justice Teams (MJTs) are being set up and deployed to increase the capacity of the GPU's war crimes unit and regional prosecutors to conduct field investigations. The MJT will be composed of both international and Ukrainian experts and will be deployed at the request of the GPU to assist Ukrainian investigators on the ground.

As previously reported, Russia's strategy in the war against Ukraine completely violates Geneva. convention and all the rules of international law.

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