Shanghai is introducing the largest lockdown in two years

Residents of the city will have to stay at home, public transport will be suspended.

В Шанхае вводят самый масштабный за два года локдаун

Chinese authorities have decided to lock down in Shanghai due to the growing number of coronavirus infections. It will be the largest since the lockdown in Wuhan in 2019, according to the Associated Press. It is noted that the lockdown in the city with a population of 26 million people will be divided into two phases.

So, from Monday to Friday, the economic district of Shanghai Pudong and nearby areas will be closed. The second phase will begin on Friday, when the central part of Shanghai west of the Huangpu River will be closed.

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The agency notes that the lockdown is intended for “mass testing” as well as curbing the spread of the disease. Residents will be prohibited from leaving their homes, offices and businesses that are not critical infrastructure, will be closed, will restrict public transport.

It is noted that many communities in Shanghai have already been blocked, their housing estates have been restricted by special tapes, and their residents have had to undergo mass testing for kovid. Disneyland Park has already been closed, and the Tesla plant has been suspended.

On Sunday, residents of the city bought food en masse, shelves in stores were empty. Additional checkpoints have been set up in the neighborhoods, whose workers wear protective suits.

About 3,500 in Shanghai on Sunday. people passed a positive test for coronavirus, of which only 50 people showed symptoms of COVID-19. In China, asymptomatic cases are not considered confirmed cases.

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