Scientists managed to decipher a unique lead scroll from the times of the Kyiv principality

The scroll was found in the cultural layer of the 12th century.

Ukrainian scientists were able to decipher and fully read the artifact ” Deed to Mycheva”, which was found in the fall of 2021 during excavations in the city of Polonny, Khmelnytskyi region. It is a lead scroll with Cyrillic letters drawn on it.

As Timur Bobrovskyi, archaeologist of the National Reserve “Sofia of Kyiv”, told, Viktor Holub, a Kyiv artist-restorer, unfolded and cleaned the find. It turned out to be a lead letter with a large – more than 30 letters – text of two letters. They were addressed to one person named Mich.

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According to Bobrovsky, scientists managed to fully read the “Deed of Micheva” “, soon you will be able to familiarize yourself with its text in detail. The next presentation is expected in December, at the Kyiv conference “Mohyla readings”.

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