More than 535 million people worldwide have been infected with the coronavirus

6.3 million people died.

According to Johns Hopkins University, more than 535 million people in the world have been infected with COVID-19.

According to university , 6.3 deaths from coronavirus worldwide million people.

India, Brazil, France, Germany and the United Kingdom are among the countries with more than 20 million infected.

The number of infected and deaths from the consequences of infection, respectively, was:

USA – 85 million 500 thousand 976 and 1 million 11 thousand 260.

India – 43 million 222 thousand 17 and 524 thousand 761.

< span style = "font-weight: 400;"> Brazil – 31 million 445 thousand 137 and 668 thousand 74.

France – 29 million 946 thousand 603 and 149 thousand 788.

Germany – 26 million 803 thousand 867 and 139 thousand. 806.

Great Britain – 22 million 571 thousand 880 and 179 thousand 884.

According to Worldometer , specializing in statistics on major world events, the death rate per 1 million population reached 812.2 on Sunday morning. In the United States, 1,944 people per 1 million died, in India 373, in Brazil 3,101, in France 2,269, in Germany 1,663, and in the United Kingdom 2,613.

Read also: The origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is hidden due to lack of data from China – WHO

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