Kadyrovites became so fond of looting that steal the weapon from the Russian military – audio interception of SBU

A Russian aggressor complains that his gun was stolen.

Kadyrovites are so obsessed with looting that they steal even in Russian military . This is evidenced by a new telephone conversation between the occupiers, which was intercepted by the SBU.

Yes, one of the enemy occupiers, who is in the Kherson region, complains to an acquaintance that the Chechens stole his gun.

“They came, they say, to pray: 'Let go, bro, we are our own, on reconnaissance.' He let in, in short, bl * d… He was still praying, PM cut, nah * y! They jumped into a wheelbarrow and ate, ”the Russian aggressor complains. But later it turned out that it was not easy to pay for this guilt, so the invader was given 2 days to search.

“And if I can't find it, I'll be overwhelmed! And they write that he disappeared… Intelligence battle on dill… And dill shot me, “- explains the occupier.

“Such a trend in the Russian army can not but rejoice. The more weapons they steal from themselves, the closer our victory is! ”The SBU said.

Read also: Reuters

One of the most high-profile looting crimes took place in Melitopol. From the exhibition site of Agrotek-Invest – the official dealer of the American manufacturer of agricultural machinery John Deere in Ukraine – Kadyrovites stole three new combines, a tractor, three seeders worth 1.5 million euros , as well as 20 tons Valentina Samar writes in the article for ZN.UA “How Russia is settling in the occupied south”

systems, experts found that the equipment is located in Chechnya, in the village of Zakan-Yurt near Grozny. Also, thieves could not use any equipment because it was blocked remotely.

Based on materials: ZN.ua

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