In Japan, the next issue of one of the magazines – NSZHU – was dedicated to Ukraine

The publication writes about the war and how we can obtain compensation for Russia's losses

In Japan, a local magazine decided to support Ukraine – its April issue was dedicated to the events in our country and the brave struggle of Ukrainians against the Russian occupiers. This was announced on its website on April 20 by the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine. This non-governmental Japanese organization is implementing a social project to help Ukrainian “Chernobyl victims.”

– said the head of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine Serhiy Tomilenko.

Charles Michel assured Ukraine of increasing sanctions on Russia – President's Office Without oil, this package will be empty and unnecessary. Attempts to integrate Russia into the European economy were a mistake – former German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel places part of responsibility for strategic miscalculation on Merkel 80 percent of Luhansk region is controlled by the Russian occupiers – the head of the Luhansk OVA However, the enemy can not break through the Ukrainian defenses and move forward. A new package of US sanctions has affected organizations that helped circumvent the sanctions Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeev also got a lot. Russian occupiers ordered to kill prisoners of war in Popasna – intercepted conversation The GUR noted that this is an outright war crime of the Russian Federation.

Based on materials:

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