Good Friday: what not to do

This is the harshest day of Holy Week.

On April 22, Christians of the Eastern rite celebrate the Passion Day. Sunday is the harshest day of the Great or Holy Week . It is believed that this day was the trial of Jesus, and he was crucified on Calvary. h2 style = “text-align: center;”> What not to do on Good Friday

On this day, it is customary to observe the strictest fast, until complete abstinence from food. On Good Friday, you can drink water and eat a piece of bread, but only after the Shroud is taken out.

Any housework is also prohibited. Harvesting and preparation for Easter should be completed on Maundy Thursday. You can't do anything with metal tools either.

You can't work on the ground on this day. It is believed that the seeds planted on this day will not germinate.

It is forbidden to have fun on this day. There is a saying, “He who has fun on Good Friday will cry all year long.”

What to do on Good Friday

< Believers attend services on this day.

Despite the fact that you can not do homework on Good Friday, you can bake Easter cakes. It is believed that the dough baked on this day will not bloom for a long time and will have healing powers.

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