For the first time, the National Bank of Ukraine was invited to a meeting of the European Central Bank

The NBU hopes to take part in them regularly.

For the first time in history, the Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine was invited to meeting of the General Council of the European Central Bank. This was announced by the NBU press service on Facebook following the spring meeting of the IMF and the World Bank. banks of the 27 EU member states.

The NBU emphasizes that this is an important step for Ukraine's rapprochement with the EU, as it will allow engaging in dialogue with the ECB and other EU central banks, represent Ukraine's position and interests, and be more involved in discussions at the level of the European System of Central Banks.

Meetings are held quarterly. The next ad-hoc meeting of the ECB Council with the participation of the NBU will take place in early May, and the regulator hopes to participate in such meetings on a regular basis given Ukraine's course to join the EU.

The National Bank emphasizes that this will help to further integrate into the European community of central banks and achieve the goals of the Association Agreement. It will also bring Ukraine's banking system closer to EU norms and standards for further entry of Ukraine's economy into the EU common market.

It will be recalled that the National Bank launched the Financial Defense of Ukraine website. non-bank financial institutions during the war.

Based on materials:

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