Finland has allowed a “hybrid reaction” of the Kremlin in connection with the country's accession to NATO

Finns are not worried about Putin's interruption of gas and electricity supplies, they do not see military preparations by Russia yet.

Finland does not rule out Russia's attempts to make a “hybrid influence” “to the country because of Helsinki's decision to join NATO ,” European Affairs Minister Tutti Tuppurainen told DW. “We have already seen some interference in the electricity market.”/strong>, some problems may also occur with gas supplies , – said Tuppurainen. – But for us it will not be a big problem. We are almost completely self-sufficient in electricity, and gas accounts for only 6% of our energy balance. “

According to Tuppurainen, Finland does not expect any military action from the Kremlin in connection with the country's accession to the alliance. that is being prepared. “Quiet and calm on our border. Intelligence says nothing like this is expected, “the minister said.

She also explained that the decision of neutral Finland to join NATO was made after the Russian invasion of Ukraine began .. “February 24 changed everything for us. It was an alarming call not only for us Finns, but for everyone,” Tuppurainen said. “We will not allow Russia to intimidate us. Russia cannot dictate to us.” Finland has already been as close to NATO as possible without being a full member. So it is possible that Russia is simply adapting to this new reality, “Tuppurainen said.

According to her, Finland still could not be called a neutral country due to EU membership. “There is a clause in the treaties of the European Union on mutual assistance, Article 42.7 says that if one country is attacked, others are obliged to provide assistance. Therefore, we believe that if necessary we could receive great support and assistance from the European Union.” , – points out Tuppurainen. She clarified that this is, of course, “not the same as security guarantees in accordance with Article 5 of NATO's Charter.” NATO

Ukraine's accession to NATO could, following the example of Finland and Sweden, bypass the stage of obtaining an Alliance Membership Action Plan , according to US Chargé d'Affaires Christina Quinn. In an interview with the EP, she said that the procedure was not mandatory. therefore, Ukraine can also join the Alliance without a MAP. However, I would not call it an abbreviated procedure, “the Chargé d'Affaires said.

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