Fear and constant uncertainty provoke panic

How to avoid or minimize them, advises Forbes

< Every Ukrainian, even if he has gone abroad and does not hear the continuous howling of sirens and explosions, is still under constant stress .

Everyone who has experienced horror War , adults and children are under pressure from negative emotions that can provoke panic attacks. How to deal with them, advises Forbes.

The human brain is arranged in such a way that even in the absence of a real threat to anxiety, it is quite simple to think badly. The nervous system does not particularly distinguish between a potential and a real threat, a fictional or a problem that has already occurred. This can lead to loss of self-confidence, demotivation and constant anticipation of disaster.

In conditions of constant uncertainty, it can help to divide things into those under our control and those that we cannot influence.

For example, it is beyond our power to change large-scale events and stop the war. We cannot predict whether there will be another bombing. But it is in our power to change our attitude to these things, reduce our risks and prepare ourselves for difficult times. To do this, we need to find what we can change around and within ourselves.

In this technique, it is important to rely on what is within our control, and anxiety about things beyond our control will be unfounded, and will not help us except the deterioration of quality of life.

We should not avoid small pleasures. It can be just a cup of coffee in a cozy place, a favorite dish, reading a book or just a walk.

Exercise allows you to produce more serotonin and improve sleep quality better. The more we fear, the more we spend the resource of overcoming the threshold of anxiety. Good sleep, satiety and exercise are the key to stress resistance . It is much easier to maintain self-control when basic needs are met.

It is also important to understand that our brain, when analyzing danger, simultaneously draws the worst outcome . Often people only see a catastrophic scenario, when in fact there are good ways out of the difficulties.

Try to gather as much information as possible about a positive outcome in those who have faced similar difficulties. This is very important for your mental health, as negative information leads to panic. A positive attitude is the way to go.

It's important to feel supported. When you are surrounded by positive and self-confident people, it is easier for you to cope with difficulties. Don't underestimate the friendship and good relationships within a group that can support you. It is much easier for us to overcome life's troubles when we are not alone.

Read also: Psychologist gave advice for those who are currently experiencing anxiety and exhaustion

Psychologist Olena Batynska advises how keep your balance:

You can breathe, so you are alive. Listen to your breath.
When you do something, say in your mind what you are doing. You can say it out loud.

Pay attention to who is around. Even if it's a cat. Touch, hug. It won't be superfluous.

Believe me. Whoever is a believer, there are prayers.
“There is our army. Crazy army. I believe in my brothers and sisters. And just in case, in itself too. We stand. We are fighting. We believe, ”adds the psychologist.

Based on materials: ZN.ua

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