Easter: what not to do on holiday

On this day, Christians commemorate the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

April 24 Christians of the Eastern rite celebrate the holiday Resurrection of the Lord or Easter . This is one of the brightest and most important holidays for Christians, this day can not be sad and despair.

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What not to do on Easter

You can't sew, knit, embroider or do housework on this day.

You can't mourn, quarrel, swear and gossip. It is forbidden to condemn others and ungodly thoughts.

What was consecrated in the temple cannot be thrown away. It is better to burn it or dig it into the ground.

Signs of Easter

Cold, but not minus weather – until dry summer.

< Thunderstorm on this day - autumn will come late and will be dry.

Rain without a storm foretells a rainy spring.

If it is cloudy, then the summer will be cold and gloomy.


Frost for Easter provides a good harvest.

And if it is warm and clear on Sunday, then the summer will be sunny and productive.

Starry, clear night on Easter promises frost and cooling.

Folk superstitions associated with the holiday

It is believed that you can not throw garbage after sunset before the holiday, so you can throw Good luck.

If you make a wish and eat a consecrated apple, the wish will come true.

Feeding the birds the crumbs left over from the Easter meal will help attract money home.


If an unmarried girl has itchy eyebrows, she will get married soon.

If you pass the pass and the pockets of the needy, the well-being of the family will improve.

The richer the table, the richer the year.

Based on materials: ZN.ua

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