About 6,000 Ukrainian human rights activists remain in boarding schools in the occupied territories

The evacuation of state-controlled people has been transferred to local administrations, which lack the resources and authority.

В интернатах на оккупированной территории остаются около шести тысяч украинцев – правозащитники

About 6,000 Ukrainians remain in boarding schools in the territory temporarily occupied or surrounded by Russian troops , at least 42 institutions, ZMINA reports, citing Margarita Tarasova , the project coordinator of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union.

All these institutions work, despite the danger, with the help of volunteers. These are geriatric, psychoneurological, social boarding schools, homes for people with disabilities.

Data on the number of institutions under occupation are collected by a group of human rights defenders working on human rights issues in such institutions.

As of March 25, the largest number of such institutions was in the Kherson region – at least ten. So far, no institution has been evacuated from the region. There are at least six such institutions in Chernihiv, Luhansk, Kharkiv and Sumy oblasts. Some boarding schools remain in danger also in the Kiev, Zaporozhye and Nikolaev areas.

At the same time, according to human rights activists, almost all orphanages have been evacuated from the actually occupied or blocked territories, and some abroad.

Responsibility for the evacuation of institutions has in fact been placed on local authorities, which can only transport people within the region, they have very limited resources to organize evacuations in such difficult circumstances, said Elena Temchenko , a representative of the Expert Center for Human Rights.

“The evacuation of people who are under state control must be ensured by public authorities. It is completely irresponsible to transfer this to local administrations. Now the regional administrations or directors of institutions are actually forced to do this on their own. However, if everything had been done on time, deaths in destroyed boarding schools could have been avoided, ”the human rights activist said.

Complicating the work is the lack of access to information about institutions: in some places the connection with the administration of boarding schools is lost, and it is difficult to understand what is happening.

“Very controversial information gets into the media and the responsible authorities. As an example – one of the boarding schools in the Kiev region, which, according to reports, was seized, then released by the Russian military. In fact, the boarding school was neither captured nor liberated, but was blocked due to active hostilities and the inability to reach it. At the same time, the responsible authorities were convinced that the boarding school was safe, ”Tarasov said.

Human rights activists call on the responsible ministries and agencies to assess the situation with boarding schools and to organize evacuations as soon as possible.

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Based on materials: ZN.ua

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