A monument to Pushkin was dismantled in Chernihiv

A bust of Alexander Pushkin was erected in the city in 1900.

A monument to the Russian was dismantled in Chernihiv on April 30 poet Alexander Pushkin, reports “Public”. The bust of Pushkin on the Wall was removed by fighters of the Terror Defense of the 119th Brigade. They said that the dismantling of the monument was authorized and under the supervision of police.

The bust of the Russian poet was transferred to the Historical Museum. This monument was erected in Chernihiv in 1900 at the expense of the townspeople. Pushkin appeared in the city on the initiative of Governor Yevhen Andrievsky./p>

Read also: A monument to “friendship” with Russia was dismantled in the capital: a head fell off one of the sculptures

In early April, a monument to Pushkin was also dismantled in Ternopil . This happened in pursuance of the executive committee's decision.

Based on materials: ZN.ua

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