The Oscars will be awarded tonight. Ukraine was supported by the presenter and the nominees

Amy Schumer invited the producers to invite Zelensky to perform.

Сегодня ночью состоится награждение премией «Оскар», Украину поддержали ведущая и номинанты

On the evening of March 27 (the night of March 28 Ukrainian time) in Los Angeles will be the Oscar ceremony , which is considered one of the most prestigious in the world of cinema. The host of the ceremony, Amy Schumer, as well as this year's Oscar nominees, spoke in support of Ukraine in the war waged by Russia.

So, Sumer in an interview with Drew Barrymore said that she wants to draw attention to the war in our country. And also about the fact that I asked the producers to invite the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky to speak on video. According to her, “so many eyes and ears” will be directed to this show that it can be a great opportunity to “at least comment on certain things.”

Read also: “Oscar 2022”: nominees for the award are named

Oscar nominees also joined the campaign in support of Ukraine. For example, Olivia Coleman raises funds to help Ukrainians through the Cameo platform.

Benedict Cumberbatch came to the Cinema Vanguard Award with the flag of Ukraine, and later said he was ready to receive refugees from our country at home.

Steven Spielberg and his wife Kate Capshaw donated one million dollars to help Ukraine.

Penelope Cruz joined the fundraiser in support of our country, which was organized by Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher. Andrew Garfield, Jessica Chastain and Kristen Stewart also expressed their support.

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