In June, the inhabitants of the Earth will be able to see a parade of five planets

No telescope is required to observe a celestial phenomenon.

In June, fans of night sky observations will be able to get an amazing opportunity: a parade of all five planets that can be seen from Earth with the naked eye. Yes, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn line up, Science Alert reports.

They can be seen in ascending order to the distance to the Sun, to the left of the horizon line. The first will be Mercury (58 million kilometers from the star), and the last – Saturn (1.4 billion kilometers).

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Where you can see

You can watch the parade of planets shortly before sunrise. In the Southern Hemisphere you have to look over the horizon to the east and south, in the North – to the east and north.

You can see the parade of planets throughout June, but on the 3rd and 4th the distance between Mercury and Saturn will be the smallest. Another important date is June 27, when the distance will increase, so you can see the Moon between Venus and Mars.

June 27 will also be especially bright Mercury, which will make observations easier. On this day, the parade of planets will be visible for an hour. However, these dates are the most significant for the people of the United States, observations of the planets may vary depending on the region. But no matter what region you are in, you will be able to get several opportunities to observe an unusual phenomenon, even if on some nights the sky will be covered with clouds.

The ability to see several planets at once is called a connection. Connections involving five planets at once are very rare – the last one was in December 2004.

Astronomers warn that some days you may also see Uranus and Neptune, but you will need binoculars to observe them./p>

Recall on the night of 15 to 16 May there was a total lunar eclipse. The inhabitants of the Earth could see the “bloody moon” .

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