Ukraine lifted the ban on sugar exports, but imposed other restrictions

A quota for millet exports has also been set.

The Government of Ukraine canceled the one introduced on March 5 this year < strong> ban on sugar and millet exports . According to a decree of the Cabinet of Ministers, sugar and millet are now included in the list of goods whose export is subject to licensing.

Earlier, the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council proposed to the government to allow the export of millet, setting a quota of 80,000 tons, as there is a surplus of this crop in the country.

2021/2022 marketing year (July-June) produced 182 thousand tons of millet, the transitional balance from 2020/2021 MY was 18 thousand tons, while the average domestic consumption of millet in the country does not exceed 80 thousand tons.

< Also, as of the end of April 2022, 4.8 thousand hectares of millet have already been sown in Ukraine, which is much more than on the corresponding date in 2021 - 0.9 thousand hectares.

This is the second such decision to lift the export ban. Earlier, on April 10, it was replaced by licensing for live cattle, beef and meat and edible meat offal, salted or in brine, dried or smoked; edible flour from meat or meat offal: beef.

Read also: In addition to grain, the occupiers also export oil from Ukraine

Thus in The list of zero export quotas includes rye, oats, buckwheat and salt, fit for human consumption, fertilizers (except nitrogen, for which the quota was increased to 210 thousand tons per quarter).

Ukraine's ability to grow a decent harvest in conditions of intense hostilities is of interest not only to its inhabitants, but also to consumers far beyond its borders. Read about the forecasts for the current marketing year in the article Larysa Huk and Serhiy Sledz < span> “Against the war: the future harvest will be enough for itself and for export.”

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