Sergei Babkin sang the song “Soldier”, now it is dedicated to the war in Ukraine

The musician pointed out where the Russian ship should go.

Сергей Бабкин перепел песню «Солдат», теперь она посвящена войне в Украине

Ukrainian musician Sergei Babkin rewrote the song “Soldier” by the group 5`nizza, one of the founders of which he is. Now the song is dedicated to the war that Russia unleashed in Ukraine.

“I'm a soldier, and believe me I didn't want a war, but it fills all the live broadcasts. I am a soldier of my favorite country, I am a hero of a free and new world, “the song reads.

Read also: The General Staff reported the loss of the occupiers on the 17th day of the war against Ukraine

In addition, in the song Babkin reminded of the direction in which the Russian warship should move.

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