Scientists have explained why tyrannosaurs had small front paws

Researchers have discovered a new species of dinosaur with “feet”.

a giant dinosaur named Meraxes gigas. As the BBC reports, the find may shed light on why this dinosaur and tyrannosaurs had such tiny front legs.

The new dinosaur had a giant head but tiny “feet”. The length of the animal's body reached 11 meters, the head – one meter, but the front paws – were only 60 centimeters. Scientists believe that this had an evolutionary advantage.

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The new species was named after the dragon Meraxes from Game of Thrones. Meraxes gigas belongs to a group of mainly bipedal carcharodontosaur predators, similar to the famous tyrannosaurus T-rex precisely in these tiny front limbs. This led scientists to assume that such an anatomical feature was common among carnivorous dinosaurs.

Carcharodontosaurs lived in the Cretaceous period and died out along with all flightless dinosaurs. In the new study, scientists found an almost complete forelimb of M. gigas, as well as part of the skull, femur and pelvis. The bones were preserved very well, because almost immediately after death, the remains of the dinosaur ended up under a layer of sedimentary rocks.

Although M. gigas and Tyrannosaurus rex had similar forelimbs, they were not related species. The similarity is explained by convergent evolution, when different species leading a similar lifestyle develop similar traits.

According to the lead author of the study, Juan Canale from the Ernesto Bachmann Paleontological Museum, a possible explanation for the appearance of such small “feet” may lie in the fact that in the distant ancestors of Meraxes and T. rex, the front limbs played an important role in hunting. Later, the large head with strong jaws became a much more effective hunting tool, and the front legs gradually atrophied.

At the same time, these “paws” had fairly well-developed muscles, so they probably weren't completely useless.

“I don't think they played any role in hunting – this function was mainly taken over by on my head, but I believe that they could well be useful for other purposes. For example, to hold the female during mating or to be a support when the dinosaur had to rise,” Canale said.

Scientists also note that the front legs of the dinosaur were twice as short as its head, and therefore the animal could not reach the mouth.

But “feet” were not the only distinguishing feature of M. gigas. His skull was decorated with ridges, furrows, cones and even miniature horns. These signs are usually seen in sexually mature individuals, which may indicate that they played an important role in mating games.

Previously scientists discovered the remains of a dinosaur that was probably the largest land predator that once lived lived on the territory of Europe. Fossil remains were found on the coast of England.

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