Dedolarization of Russia: the consequences may be unexpected

In Russia, the dollar may take the yuan. In Russia, they were concerned about dedollarization. This is a global trend of the last five years, but Russia misunderstands it – instead of really strengthening its currency, they plan to replace the dollar with the yuan.

According to Russian media, the dollar's share in global foreign exchange reserves decreased by 6.2%. In 10 years, it may fall below 50%, and in 20 years – below 40%, according to the chief investment strategist of ITI Capital Iskander Lutsk. strengthening the role of other currencies, especially the yuan, yen and the Canadian dollar.

However, there is a danger – the abandonment of the dollar in favor of another foreign currency. That is, for example, ionization.

ZN.UA comment:

In principle, dedollarization is a trend of the last five years. But most countries choose their own currency. To this end, many countries are significantly lowering interest rates on dollar deposits and increasing interest rates on deposits in their national currency. Thus, the population is more interested in their currency than in foreign currency.

Read also: Russia expects the ruble to fall to an economically reasonable level on Monday

Russia has stopped sell housing for cash , three times the number of alternative deals has increased. The ruble is depreciating.

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