After 22 years of rule, Putin will leave Russia, there is no good way out for the Russian economy – the IMF representative

The bottom on which Russia's economy will sink is not yet visible, as there is no end to the war yet. And the sanctions that have already been imposed are unprecedented.

После 22 лет правления Путин оставит Россию, хорошего выхода для экономики РФ нет — представитель МВФ

Russia has already lost the war it has unleashed, even if it succeeds on the battlefield. This was stated by Deputy Executive Director of Ukraine to the IMF Vladislav Rashkovan in an interview with “NV”.

“Russia has definitely lost the war, because even if it advances geographically in Ukraine, its economy will still roll back 30 years, and Russia has no good way out of this war,” said an IMF spokesman.

According to him, any peace agreement will also lead to the fact that Russia will pay for the recovery of Ukraine's economy.

And in any case, Putin will end his rule in a state of economic decline. Moreover, according to Rashkovan, it follows that Putin's departure will happen this year.

After 22 years of rule, Putin will leave Russia to his followers, Russia in a much worse condition than he took. This is the fate of dictators and tyrants, and their mark on the history of the country and the world,” Rashkovan said.

He also added that the bottom on which Russia's economy will fall is not yet visible, as there is no end to the war. And the sanctions that have already been imposed on Russia are unprecedented, in part because they are directed at the Russian Central Bank.

“Like many Central Banks around the world, Russia has kept some of its reserves outside the country, it is to them that Russia has limited access today, they are simply immobilized,” Rashkovan said.

In addition, he added, the Ukrainians have already won this war, at least because they are winning in their own eyes, as well as in the eyes of the world.

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