A photo of Shakhtar's new home uniform for next season has appeared

The authenticity of the photo has not yet been confirmed.

Information about the future form has appeared in the network Shakhtar Donetsk for the 2022/2023 season. Note that the Footy Headlines specializes in the forms of different clubs, and many merged photos from this site later turned out to be real sets of teams.

Football season in Ukraine was suspended, and the players of the clubs were given the opportunity from FIFA to continue their careers in other teams.

Vitao, Tete, Vinicius Tobias, Maicon, Junior Moraes and Fernando.

Read also: Shakhtar went to the match in T-shirts with a print in memory of a three-month-old baby who died from a Russian missile


Previously Shakhtar stated that they do not pay salaries to football players during the war .

Based on materials: ZN.ua

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